
Andrew W. Park & John M. Drake

Reading in data (files and objects)

Files: You've already seen the main command for reading in data from files -> read.csv

We can also use read_csv in much the same way. It's slightly faster and the resulting data frame is recognized as a tibble (more info: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tibble/vignettes/tibble.html)

Reading in data (files and objects)

Objects: We can read previously saved objects (incl. data frames) with the load command

For example, if you created a data frame called df that took a lot of time (e.g. from some slow simulation) then you could first save it:

  • save(df,file='get_df.Rda')

..and later, load it again (e.g. when you start a new session and it's no longer in memory)

  • load('get_df.Rda')

The file extension .Rda is short for Rdata (and you can use .Rdata as the extension, if you prefer)

The 'tidy data' format

It is good practice to work with 'tidy data':

  • Each variable has its own column
  • Each observation has its own row
  • Each value has its own cell

This involves a few commands from the dplyr package, particularly:

  • gather
  • select
  • mutate

The 'tidy data' format

Additionally, we often make use of string manipulation (stringr package), especially:

  • str_replace_all
  • paste (base R)

Otherwise, if someone takes the temperature in saint augustine, and someone counts the number of people on the beach at St. Augustine - how will their data ever be combined?

FIPS codes

State and County-level US data are often referenced by FIPS codes (a bit like zip codes)

  • California = 6
  • Orange County (CA) = 59
  • Full FIPS = 6059

  • Georgia = 13

  • Clarke County (GA) = 59

  • Full FIPS = 13059


A) Run several functions

foo_foo <- hop(foo_foo, through = forest)
foo_foo <- scoop(foo_foo, up = field_mice)
foo_foo <- bop(foo_foo, on = head)

B) String function calls together

    hop(foo_foo, through = forest),
    up = field_mice
  on = head

C) Use piping

foo_foo %>% hop(through = forest) %>% scoop(up = field_mouse) %>% bop(on = head)

Piping and assigning

x <- 2
y <- sqrt(sin(x))
[1] 0.9535709
x <- 2
x <- sqrt(sin(x))
[1] 0.9535709

Piping and assigning

x <- 2
y <- x %>% sin %>% sqrt
[1] 0.9535709
x <- 2
x %<>% sin %>% sqrt
[1] 0.9535709

Applying functions to each row

pocket_money <- tibble(name=c("Jack","Jill"),
                       savings=c(10,15),chores=c(5,2)) %>% print
# A tibble: 2 × 3
   name savings chores
  <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>
1  Jack      10      5
2  Jill      15      2

Applying functions to each row

pocket_money %>% rowwise %>% mutate(total=get_sum(savings,chores)) %>% print
Source: local data frame [2 x 4]
Groups: <by row>

# A tibble: 2 × 4
   name savings chores total
  <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
1  Jack      10      5    15
2  Jill      15      2    17

Applying functions to each row

pocket_money %>% mutate(total=get_sum(savings,chores)) %>% print
# A tibble: 2 × 4
   name savings chores total
  <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
1  Jack      10      5    32
2  Jill      15      2    32

Combining data sets

In base R, data frames are combined using the merge function

Using the dplyr package, tibbles are combined using join functions (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/vignettes/two-table.html)

The different types of join are best explored by example, like with these superheros -> http://stat545.com/bit001_dplyr-cheatsheet.html

You can specifiy the column names to match on, otherwise R will do a natural join using all variables in common

Combining data sets

gourmet <- tibble(

greeting <- tibble(
  word=c("howdy","hey y'all","'sup","hello")

# A tibble: 5 × 3
  state    sauce      word
  <chr>    <chr>     <chr>
1    GA sweetBBQ hey y'all
2    CA      hot      'sup
3    NC tangyBBQ      <NA>
4    TX smokyBBQ     howdy
5    NY     <NA>     hello

Combining data sets

gourmet <- tibble(

greeting <- tibble(
  word=c("howdy","hey y'all","'sup","hello")

# A tibble: 3 × 3
  state    sauce      word
  <chr>    <chr>     <chr>
1    GA sweetBBQ hey y'all
2    CA      hot      'sup
3    TX smokyBBQ     howdy

Obtaining summary information

grades <- tibble(
) %>% print
# A tibble: 10 × 4
   student_ID major   U_G score
        <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
1           1     E     G    96
2           2     B     U    88
3           3     E     G    86
4           4     B     G   100
5           5     B     U    86
6           6     E     G    89
7           7     B     U    82
8           8     B     U    84
9           9     B     U    71
10         10     E     G    66

Obtaining summary information

grades %>% group_by(major) %>% summarize(avScore=mean(score))
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  major  avScore
  <chr>    <dbl>
1     B 85.16667
2     E 84.25000