
Disclaimer, fair use, attribution: Data provided here was originally collected or compiled from other sources by John Drake or other members of the Drake lab. Original papers should be referred to for research methods and details about data collection. Data and code are provided, unwarranted, to be used for any purpose provided that proper acknowledgement is made, generally by citing the paper(s) in which the research was originally reported. For data or code pertaining to any paper not provided here, please contact the lead author. See also the lab’s Publications page.

A database of infectious disease transmission trees for public use.

Zooplankton Diversity Project
The Zooplankton Diversity Project exists to publicize the Database on Zooplankton of Carolina Bays, collected and curated by the University of Georgia and the Savannah River Ecology Lab. The purpose of this website is to make these data available and discoverable, and to document the origins and outcomes.

Zokan, M.A., A.M. Kramer, & J.M. Drake. 2017. Data from: Zooplankton species diversity in the temporary wetland system of the Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA. Ph.D. thesis, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia. Dryad Digital Repository. [data]